Folkloras kopa LAIVA dibināta pirms vairāk kā 20 gadiem. Tās dibinātāja un ilggadēja vadītāja ANDA ĀBELE, folkloriste ar pieredzi dziedāšanā un etnogrāfisko mūzikas instrumentu - kokles un stabules - spēlēšanā, kā arī apveltīta ar īpašām prasmēm to visu iemācīt arī citiem - neatkarīgi no vecuma un iedzimtā talanta daudzuma. Anda ir mūsu Dzintara kokle.
LAIVA ir īpaši atvērta folkloras draugu kopa. Tiem, kuŗi vēlas dziedāt un spēlēt LAIVĀ, tajā ir ļoti viegli iekļūt. Pie mums nav kāda ārēji nosacīta pārbaudes laika - ir tikai viens noteikums, kas dzīvo katrā pašā - vēlme darboties, dziedāt, muzicēt.
LAIVĀ daudzi spēlē dažādus mūzikas instrumentus, - kokles un stabules, kā arī dažādus ritma instrumentus, dzied, dejo, iet rotaļās, turklāt arī bieži paši gatavo tērpus, to detaļas - šuj kreklus, pin jostas un celaines.
Dzīve LAIVĀ ir ne tikai mēģinājumi divas reizes nedēļā, bet arī tradicionālo gadskārtu svētku svētīšana, citu sadzīves rituālu (māju iesvētīšanas, krustabu un citu) apguve un īstenošana, bet arī piedalīšanās folkloras kustībā visā valstī.
trešdiena, 2009. gada 15. aprīlis
Diena Valmierā
26.aprīlī Laivas dalībnieki iecerējuši doties uz Valmieru un Gaujmalā dziedāt Laimas dziesmas un Rotāšanas dziesmas.
Short description/main activities of the folklore group „Laiva” (meaning ‘Boat’). Founded in Riga, 1991. Consists of 2 studios (grown –ups and school children) aged 10 to 65. The leader of the group is an outstanding traditional instrument kokle player. She is one of the most popular kokle teachers in Latvia. Besides singing traditional Latvian folk sings most participants play traditional instruments like kokle, stabule, citara, vargans (dambrelis), bungas (drums). The group performs traditional Latvian annual celebration, work, mythological, bed-time, wedding, funeral, etc. songs. They are collected from all areas of Latvia. Special attention is paid to Kurzeme area, as there have been projects and many events with Rucava and Alsunga folklorists. Kurzeme has also the richest kokle music collection, which has initiated a project of teaching playing kokle to local children. The group performs also various traditional dances and games and in public events teaches them to the guests and visitors. Main Latvia events: Regular participation in the local public events which are devoted to traditional Latvian music. (In Riga open air museum, parks and squares, in other towns of Latvia). Participation in local festivals ( Tervete medieval festival, annual Mask festival, etc.) Teachings of kokle , stabule and traditional dances (Projects in Alsunga, Rucava, Saldus, Jekabpils regions). Annual teachings of Jani and Ligo traditions (midsummer celebration) to public. Main international events: Participation in Baltic festivals and events (festival Baltica, Apuole 854 in Lithuania, Day of Baltic Unity, etc.), Teachings of kokle and stabule and Latvian traditions to various people abroad - to the international camp 3x3 participants (Latvians from all the world), to the Latvian group “Dzerves” in Luxemburg, to Latvian folk group in Russia, Siberia (Omsk). The group has recorded several CDs, that are non-commercial product and available only through personal contacts. All participants also learn to make their own traditional costumes that are an essential part of the tradition. Group participants wear archaeological and ethnographic traditional Latvian costumes. Links with Lithuania are special, as there are regular contacts with Latvians in Lithuania and several Lithuanian groups – e.g. “Pukelis” from Pasvale.
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